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SemaPic® (semaglutide) injection 0.25 mg, 0.5mg, or 1 mg is an injectable prescription medicine used:
1. Semaglutide (Semapic) is proven to lower blood sugar and A1C
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that a reasonable goal for most adults with type 2 diabetes is an A1C of less than 7%. Your healthcare provider will tell you what goal is right for you.
In 2 different studies, adults lowered A1C, on average, by:
● Semaglutide: 1.4% (0.5 mg) and 1.6% (1 mg) vs placebo: 0.1%
● Semaglutide: 1.9% (1 mg) and 2.1% (2 mg), taking 1 or 2 diabetes pills
from a starting average A1C of 8.0% and 8.9%, respectively. In the same 2 studies, the majority of people reached an A1C under 7%:
● Semaglutide : 73% (0.5 mg) and 70% (1 mg) vs placebo: 28%
● Semaglutide : 56% (1 mg) and 64% (2 mg)
2. Semaglutide (Sepamic) lowers the risk of major CV events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease
People with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease are at a greater risk of major CV events such as stroke, heart attack, or death. Semagultide is proven to significantly lower those risks by burning fat in organs and arteries .
3. Semaglutide (Semapic) helps you to lose weight!
Semaglutide is a medicine for adults with type 2 diabetes that, along with diet and exercise, may improve blood sugar. It also help you lose some weight.
Adults with type 2 diabetes taking Semagultide lost up to 14 pounds. . In the same 2 studies looking at A1C, adults with type 2 diabetes lost on average:
● Semaglutide : 8 lb (0.5 mg) and 10 lb (1 mg) vs placebo: 3 lb
● Semaglutide : 12 lb (1 mg) and 14 lb (2 mg)
from an average starting weight of 202 lb and 219 lb, respective
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